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6 Stages of Startup Growth
Eyal Katz

6 Stages of Startup Growth

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Rate this articleMany aspiring entrepreneurs have dreamed of an idea that changes the world. But only a few take steps to form a startup company and make that idea real. Fewer still navigate the journey through the startup lifecycle and emerge triumphant on the other side. But to get to a destination, you need a map—and to be a successful startup, you need to pass through the six stages of

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the complete guide to market research
Eyal Katz

The Hustler’s Guide to Market Research on a Shoestring Budget (Part 1)

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You already know why you need to do market research so I’ll skip past answering “why”. The “How” is a lot murkier. That’s because market research is usually performed by large companies who hire market research companies. But, we can’t afford the time it takes to do that, and we definitely can’t afford the hefty price tag.

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why the startup mvp has to change
Eyal Katz

Why The Startup MVP Has to Change

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Rate this articleSoftware is everywhere. It isn’t only in everything it is everything. That’s great for the software industry as a whole but as the industry matures startups will have a harder time. Whether you’re throwing around startup ideas over a couple of beers or you’re a research associate doing a SWOT analysis for a VC, startup ideas can come from anywhere, at anytime, and to anyone. My point is,

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