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chatgpt vs bard: the experiment
Eyal Katz

ChatGPT vs. BARD: The Experiment

ChatGPT has come into our world with a thunderous roar of millions of keyboard clicking at prompts. The somewhat unexpected level of interest that the general public has displayed in ChatGPT has led Google to quickly scramble their AI jets and get BARD off the ground and in flight. Is it too late though for BARD? ChatGPT has become so disruptive so quickly that for BARD to make an impact

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6 Stages of Startup Growth
Eyal Katz

6 Stages of Startup Growth

Many aspiring entrepreneurs have dreamed of an idea that changes the world. But only a few take steps to form a startup company and make that idea real. Fewer still navigate the journey through the startup lifecycle and emerge triumphant on the other side. But to get to a destination, you need a map—and to be a successful startup, you need to pass through the six stages of startup growth.

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Top 13 Startup Marketing Agencies
Eyal Katz

Top 13 Startup Marketing Agencies

B2B startup founders know the drill. You take a great idea, put a team together to build an MVP, figure out the product/market fit, and if you’re lucky, you get fully funded. Maybe you even manage to sign up the first twenty or so customers. If you’ve gotten this far, your startup has cleared the first hurdle: the stage where most startups fail. What happens next is crucial—you need startup

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Agency vs. Firm Why do we have both
Eyal Katz

Agency vs. Firm: Why do we have both?

As we start the first quarter of 2023, there are talks and predictions of discretionary spending slowing, an increase in the contingent labor market, growth of product management, and tech wage inflation. Whether your startup has or hasn’t been affected by the looming economic uncertainty, there’s one thing you need to move beyond it—effective marketing.  But finding great marketing help can be confusing, especially if you’re searching Google. Depending on

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How Does Hubspot for Startups Work?
Eyal Katz

How Does Hubspot for Startups Work?

If you want your tech startup to be successful, you need a full stack of CRM, marketing, sales, and customer service technology. But purchasing business tools and getting them working together is an expensive, time-consuming process—and it’s critical. With 90% of startups failing, including 63% of tech startups, there’s little margin for error. TechCrunch says the average startup spends approximately $7677.00 USD per month on IT technology. When you consider

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21 Sentences That Mean Your Startup Is in Trouble
Eyal Katz

21 Sentences That Mean Your Startup Is in Trouble

The promise of startups is grand: take a game-changing idea, add tech-savvy friends, sprinkle it with investor money, stir for 18-hour days with Skittles and coffee, and what do you get? A business that changes the world? Rarely. In most cases, you get failure—hot, messy, often spectacular failure.  But what if there was a way to tell your startup was in trouble? What would happen then? It’s not an exaggeration

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Online Forms
Eyal Katz

Online Forms Design For Content Publishers: How To Convert Your Readers Into Subscribers

Do not underestimate the importance of your site’s online forms. They can gather accurate data, keep track of the number of visitors you get, be tailored towards your customers, and most importantly, increase conversions. With the help of an online form creator, you can easily produce beautiful, fully interactive forms that can automate responses and collect data to provide crucial insights. But it’s not a case of embedding forms on

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All You Need to Know About Facebook’s New B2B Targeting
Eyal Katz

All You Need to Know About Facebook’s New B2B Targeting

Meta, the artist formerly known as Facebook, is looking to nab B2B marketing dollars from LinkedIn. But that’s not new or surprising. B2B products and service categories usually rake in more advertising dollars than B2C. Meta wants to make it as attractive as possible for B2B marketers to run campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. In August 2022, Meta introduced a set of new B2B targeting options for advertisers and

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Top 21 HubSpot Integrations for B2B Marketers in 2023
Ilana Brudo

Top 21 HubSpot Integrations for B2B Marketers in 2023

HubSpot is so much more than just a prevalent CRM. It’s an example of how software as a service (SaaS) can enable modern businesses to grow and scale their operations without investing in costly sales and marketing software from day one. Only a decade old, HubSpot became the go-to tool for most data-driven marketers. In addition to scalability and cloud-based maintenance-free software, HubSpot offers expansive integration options, further augmenting the

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5 things to consider when choosing an SEO content service provider
Ilana Brudo

5 things to consider when choosing an SEO content service provider

Content is king. Every marketer alive knows this. However, content is not a solution, but rather a tool marketers can use to accomplish vastly different goals. When it comes to digital marketing, one of the oldest and most proven strategies is SEO – search engine optimization.  SEO content is the driver of the race to the top of the Google results page. Given how tight the race can be, you

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